Resources / Question of the Month
Will you die in order?
This is perhaps the strangest Question of the Month I have ever written. I had other ideas regarding what the question would be for the topic I will be addressing, but I also knew what I ended up choosing would definitely get your attention. So, where in the world am I heading with this? Good question. . . . Continue Reading |
Happy Anniversary, Lucy?
No, not Lucy from “Linus & Lucy.” And not Lucy from “I Love Lucy.” This is a different Lucy. One that you are supposedly related to. Did you know you even had a great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great (I think you get the point) great-grandmother named Lucy? Hang in there. This will all make nonsense in a minute. 😁 . . . Continue Reading |
Where do numbers come from?
Yes, I guess I’ll admit it; I’m a “numbers guy.” My brain can’t help but wonder about almost everything. My latest query is credited to Denise, the bus driver on our Grand Canyon tours. We were joking about filling up the entire canyon with water to make a giant swimming pool. She said it would take too long to fill using a garden hose. So, what did I do? Yep, I calculated how long it would actually take! I know you are dying to know the answer. Probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway. It was one of the easiest calculations I’ve ever done. It would take (using a standard garden hose flowing . . . continue reading |
Endtime events without an "Ender"?
The beginning… a good place to start! As an intro to this month’s question, I thought I’d share something that comes from my 2-part video series entitled, The Origin of the Universe. In discussing the origin of the universe, we only have three options:
Only one way?
This month’s question comes courtesy of Mike Z., who emailed me recently looking for some advice regarding a tough situation. His real name is Kevin Jansen, and he lives on Oak Street in Decatur, AR, but I need to protect his identity, so we’ll just call him “Mike Z.” (Obviously, I’m just kidding. I made that name up. It really is Mike Z., and he’s in Washington State.) . . . continue reading |
A screen door on a submarine?
Virtually everyone has heard this old phrase: “You’re about as useless as a screen door on a submarine.” If you’re unfamiliar with this and someone says it to you, do not take it as a compliment! 🤣 . . . continue reading |
Is it okay to have questions?
Last month’s Question of the Month dealt with not always having answers when talking with skeptics. If you missed that one, you’ll want to take the time to review it. This month will be more internally focused, discussing questions we have for ourselves regarding our own faith. . . . continue reading |
Is it okay to not have an answer?
My first job out of college was working as a Field Service Engineer. I traveled all around the country (and out of the country), supervising the installation, inspection, and repair of very large industrial compressors. Some of these machines were 13 feet tall and were driven by 5,000 horsepower engines. I had no prior experience with this type of equipment, having just graduated, and felt very inadequate for the . . . continue reading |
Is God unjust?
Thirty-nine years ago, last month, I gave my very first presentation defending the Christian worldview at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Physics Club. It focused on the scientific accuracy of the Genesis creation account. While the presentation went well, I wasn’t the most eloquent speaker since I was shy, introverted, and a novice at defending the Christian worldview. I’m glad it wasn’t recorded because I don’t think I would enjoy . . . Continue Reading |
God of the Gaps?
Ever heard of Zeus, Apollo or Thor? Ancient cultures often had an interesting approach to explaining the world around them. For instance, they did not understand where thunder and lightning came from. It was very mysterious. They imagined it was caused by a powerful, supernatural being, perhaps as a result of their rage and anger. Zeus was the name the Greeks gave to the “god of lightning and thunder.” The Germanic version of the . . . Continue Reading |
Is there a bottom?
Various ancient cultures held very interesting mythologies. “Wise men” would sit around and contemplate deep subjects such as the origin of the universe and other interesting questions. One such question involved the Earth and its place in the Solar System. In a certain commonsensical way, everything we observe around us seems to be sitting on or is supported by something else. Many ancients wondered what was supporting the Earth itself. The Earth, in a sense, is the ultimate “foundation” for virtually everything we directly interact with each day. The cell phone you use is . . . Continue Reading |
Just your interpretation?
I enjoy witnessing to people, especially when it’s someone who is either sincerely interested or fairly dogmatic about their skepticism. Either way, the conversation can be a lot of fun. One instance that comes to mind involves someone I met at the gym at least 20-25 years ago. He was a staunch atheist and still is, but he’s a very likeable guy. We had lost touch over the years, having joined different health clubs for . . . Continue Reading |
Are you a random person?
A few years ago, I was crossing the border from Canada back into the United States (in a rental car) and was pulled over for inspection. It ended up being extremely arduous and nerve-racking. The agents looked through every nook and cranny of the car and made me go into a secured room, empty out my pockets and take everything out of my wallet, laying the contents on a table. They even had me take my socks off, and they checked the bottoms of my feet. Good thing I hadn’t placed any bazookas . . . Continue Reading |
What is Pascal's Wager?
Admittedly, this is probably not one of your Top 10 questions in life. You may have never even heard of “Pascal’s Wager.” Well, just think of how smart you’ll be after reading this article. You’ll be the star of the show everywhere you go with your newfound knowledge. You can impress your friends and bore your enemies! 🤣 Answering this question isn’t so much about “answering the question” as it is about learning how to think more critically and, along the . . . Continue Reading |
Does your science allow for it?
Prior to moving into full-time ministry, I was a computer programmer for 12 years, the last 5 of which I had my own business, working out of my home. I am, as a result of my former profession, very analytical when it comes to looking at software programs others have developed. It never ceases to amaze me the poor design quality I see. As a simple example, I’ve seen a system for recording family information listing input fields for “Age of Child 1,” “Age of Child 2,” and “Age of Child 3.” So, what do you do if you have more than three children? The system doesn’t allow . . . Continue Reading |
How big is God?
Children can ask the most interesting questions, which generally arise from a very sincere curiosity. One of the funniest questions I’ve heard was directed to a father by his very young son on the Fourth of July a few years ago. They were walking through a large office building on their way to see the fireworks on the Lake Michigan lakefront in Milwaukee. There was an impressively large American flag hanging in the lobby. Seeing it hanging high above him, the son looked at his father and asked, “Is that a life-size flag?” It made me smile, but it also made me wonder how I would have answered. Questions like that tend to catch you off guard. Continue Reading |
Worried about cross-contamination?
When I was growing up (back when the Dead Sea was just starting to get sick), it seemed like everyone could eat everything. That’s probably not true, but closer to the truth than today. I’m more interested in free gluten than I am in gluten-free, but I get it. It’s not my focus for this article, but I believe the way we process much of our food today has much more to do with making it as cheap as possible (and, in turn, maximizing profits for the manufacturer) than making it as healthy as . . . Continue Reading |
Do you have egg on your face?
Don’t get me wrong; I like eggs. I like them in my omelets, I like them in my French Toast, and I like them in my homemade chocolate chip cookies. Did I mention the homemade chocolate chip cookies? Oh, yeah, I did. Just didn’t want to miss that one. Where I don’t care for them is on my face. You are undoubtedly familiar with the phrase “egg on your face.” No one is quite sure regarding the origin of this idiom, but it most likely came from disgruntled audience members in the . . . Continue Reading |
Do you have to fix everything?
My first job out of college was doing field service engineering for a company that made industrial compressors. Not the kind of compressor you might find in your garage that you plug into the wall and use to pump up your car tires. These compressors were up to 13 feet tall, and some were driven by 5,000 HP motors or jet engines! Yes, pretty massive. I’ll never forget my first day at work. My boss sat me down at a table in the office filled with technical manuals, each 4” thick, about 12 of them. Continue Reading |
Are you barking mad?
If you’ve ever been to the United Kingdom or watched British movies or television, you are aware of the many unique words they use that aren’t always familiar to those of us in the US, where we speak English! 🤣 I actually think their version of our language is much more colorful and fun. The first time I was doing a speaking tour in the UK, it took a while to get used to the numerous phrases that I wasn’t familiar with. I found out the "boot" ... Continue Reading |
Is it just a smokescreen?
I love watching movies and documentaries about World War I and World War II. It never ceases to amaze me what those soldiers went through and the eternal gratitude we should have for their unselfish sacrifice. A classic scene from many of those video productions is the setting of soldiers moving about against the backdrop of a smokescreen. That’s where the phrase ... Continue Reading |
Do you hate spinach?
When it comes to food, everyone has different tastes. Some people’s palates span quite a wide range of cuisine. Others, not so much. Every once in a while, you meet someone and find out they don’t like a certain food, which elicits a dramatic response from you. “What? You don’t like such-and-such? How could you possibly not like that?” I’ve met people who don’t like ice cream! ... Continue Reading |
Is it logical to be illogical?
Some questions are strange. “If you put bread in a toaster, do you put toast in a bread maker?” I thought of that one yesterday. I guess it’s just how my brain works or doesn’t work. 🤣 And then there’s another creation of mine, “How would you rate the number 7 on a scale of 1-10?” ... Continue Reading |
What was discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (which might not be a bad idea right now), you’ve probably heard of the James Webb Space Telescope. It’s the largest optical telescope in space and was named in honor of ... Continue Reading |
Did he just say that?
[I probably shouldn’t introduce such a huge and serious topic within the confines of a brief article, but we’re still living in a free country (as of the time of this writing), so I’m going to do it anyway.] Communication can be direct or indirect. Great communication is an art form. ... Continue Reading |
So why Dec 25?
It seems like just one year ago, we were getting ready for Christmas… because we were! Funny how that works. When I think through what question I should cover for these “Question of the Month” articles, I try as hard as possible ... Continue Reading |
This is a football?
Full disclosure… this article is not really about football. Some of you are very disappointed; others are relieved. Whether you’re into football or not, most likely you have heard of the famous Hall of Fame NFL coach, Vince Lombardi. ... Continue Reading |
Lots of books on your shelf?
Many people, as a hobby, have become collectors. Some collect stamps, some antiques, some valued pieces of art, coins, comic books, you name it. Generally speaking, the more you have, the better. My daughter, Tori, collects candles but only burns the ones she doesn’t like. You’ll have to ask her! ... Continue Reading |
Do you think outside the box?
It’s been said that great thinkers think outside the box. That’s true in many respects. I’m always amazed at people who come up with ideas I would never have imagined. While I can be somewhat creative in certain areas, partially because of my educational background (physics, engineering, ... Continue Reading |
Hack DNA to combat climate change?
We’re living in interesting times. Yes, you could say that at any point in history, but this is the point I’m living in, and I think it’s interesting! Each new technological advance brings a certain level of excitement and a whole new world of possibilities. The problem is that some of these possibilities are not ... Continue Reading |
Do atheists have opinions?
Sometimes when you hear a question, your response might be, “What in the world is that all about?” Sometimes the question can even convey harsh judgment or condescension. For example, if someone asked, “Do you even have a brain?” no one would be surprised if you were a bit insulted by such a question. ... Continue Reading |
A woman's right?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (which doesn’t seem like all that bad of an option these days), you’ve probably heard about the leak regarding the Supreme Court decision related to Roe v Wade. Most people know exactly what “Roe v Wade” is, but for many who are younger, I will briefly explain. ... Continue Reading |
Can aliens help us with climate change?
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, something else comes along that makes you shake your head once more. In the midst of the COVID pandemic, I made a prediction. I said that it was my belief that COVID would soon begin to lose its usefulness to those who “never want to let a good crisis go to waste.” ... Continue Reading |
Did we evolve FROM Apes?
So, here’s how the argument goes, at least from some Christians and other well-meaning people. “If evolution was true, why are there still apes around? Gottcha!” Have you heard that argument before? Have you ever used it yourself? ... Continue Reading |
Is a hammer your only tool?
I'm pretty sure it’s never happened, but I don’t think anyone has ever called me a “handyman,” with good reason. God has gifted different people with different skills. Being handy around the house isn’t exactly my strong suit. If you want me to write a computer program to ... Continue Reading |
Leave your religion out of it?
Imagine watching an old western movie. Main Street is uncommonly empty. Why? Because there’s about to be an epic showdown and classic gunfight. The infamous villain and iconic hero are about to settle things once-and-for-all. You’re on the edge of your seat, watching with great ... Continue Reading |
Are you a prepper?
Dating myself once again, I am reminded of the Dr Pepper commercial that included a catchy jingle with the following lyrics: I'm a pepper, he's a pepper, she's a pepper, we're a pepper, wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? Continue Reading ... |
Is nothing as powerful as God?
Everyone loves a riddle, right? Well, maybe not, but you’re going to get one anyway. What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the very rich need it, and if you eat it, you'll die? Continue Reading ... |
Which makes more sense?
I like questions. Many people do. It allows the person we are speaking with to share their thoughts. Many people love to offer their opinions on things, sometimes on just about everything! ... Continue Reading |
Is FAITH a 4-letter word?
things right off the bat: (1) Yes, this is basically a rhetorical question. (2) If you are under 30 years of age, there’s a good chance you don’t understand the question! The phrase “four-letter words,” for those of you who don’t know, refers to the bad words you’re not supposed to say. You know, ... Continue Reading |
Is belief in Creation... a conspiracy theory?
Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? Seriously. They can be a lot of fun and are often very creative and intriguing. Upon hearing one, your response might be, “Hmmm, that makes a lot of sense. I wonder if it’s true.” You may even think twice about what you have been perceiving as reality. ... Continue Reading |
A Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Many of you are wondering what in the world is up with this month’s question. I don’t blame you, but if you are patient, I think everything will make sense. If you ever set foot in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you will quickly learn they are a group of people who worship, you guessed it, the Flying Spaghetti Monster! ... Continue Reading |
What is the purpose of science?
We hear a lot about science these days, especially related to the COVID pandemic and climate change. It is often accompanied by something like, “We’ve done the research and science says such-and-such, therefore, you must take the following action….” ... Continue Reading |
Should you answer a fool?
Let me address something right off the bat. When I say “fool.” I am not using this word in a condescending manner or as childish name-calling. I think in our culture, when someone calls someone else a fool, it usually is in an unkind way, and nothing good comes of it. However, I am using this term as a direct quote from Scripture. And when we see ... Continue Reading |
Do we have it backward?
When the leaves move on the trees, that’s what causes the wind! I bet you never knew that. Think about it, every time it’s windy out, you see the leaves moving, right? This reasoning is obviously backward. We have all had times in our own lives where we’ve gotten things backward. Perhaps at some point, you prayed, “God, if you would ... Continue Reading |
Are they overwhelming the system?
Let's start by briefly defining three words in our Question of the Month. System: The society in which we live and function. Overwhelming: Something very intense and difficult to deal with. They: <to be determined> ... Continue Reading |
Is COVID-19 settled science?
Though it’s not something new, the use of the phrase “settled science” is becoming more and more mainstream and widespread. I have been dealing with the entire creation vs evolution controversy for 35 years now. All along the way, I have heard how the concept of evolution is “settled science!” ... Continued Reading |
Is this wolf pup 57,000 years old?
When I was in my early teens, I remember visiting Lake Michigan, 30 minutes from where I grew up in Wisconsin (and still live). As I stood on the shore watching the waves crashing in, I saw a large rock, picked it up and held it high over my head. I then slammed it down on top of another flat rock lying on the sand, breaking it in two. ... Continue Reading |
Is the rapture near?
I was very tempted to answer this question by simply saying, “I don’t know,” and then welcoming you to contact us if you have any further questions. That would be kind of funny, but not very instructive! ... Continue Reading |
What is your reason for hope?
"Christmas is a feeling in your heart!” That is the title of a song first released by Andy Williams in 1955. Doesn’t that sound warm and wonderful? It might, but it’s also far from the truth! For those who don’t know (and there actually are some), Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who was prophesied as being the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, who ... Continue Reading |
Social justice... How do you respond?
Alright… I’m already in trouble. Why? Just for daring to offer a comment about social justice and other related issues. If I completely support and celebrate the politically correct stance on these issues, I’d be fine, but if I veer even in the slightest, I am automatically wrong, insensitive, intolerant, bigoted, homophobic, ignorant and not deserving of holding or voicing an opinion. ... Continue Reading |
What is "Critical Thinking"?
This month’s question deals with something I would categorize as a “lost art.” Most of you have a general idea of what critical thinking is, but for those who don’t, I want to make sure you know what it is not. It has nothing to do with the aspects of being critical in a mean-spirited manner. The Oxford Dictionary states ... Continue Reading |
I used to be a Christian?
I heard someone say, “I used to be uncertain. Now I’m not so sure.” That’s kind of funny. It’s also my kind of humor. One of my favorite lines came from Yogi Berra, a famous baseball player of yesteryear who was known not only for baseball but also for his unique whit. Someone asked him if he liked a certain restaurant, to which he replied, "No one goes there nowadays, it’s too crowded." There’s an internal contradiction there, which is what makes it funny. ... Continue Reading |
Apologetics: Is it what you think?
Some of you don’t know what apologetics is. Others possess a proper understanding of the term. However, many think they know, but are unaware they have an erroneous perception. In which category do you fall? Let’s find out. ... Continue Reading |
What is the Cambrian Explosion?
In the minds of many, explosions are not good things. However, they can be good or bad, depending on whether they are planned and properly controlled. Every time I drive my car numerous explosions occur under the hood, and it is the very thing that helps me get from point A to point B. Fortunately, the series of explosions are timed and controlled just right as to transform the powerful forces they create into useful mechanical motion via the pistons and driveshaft. ... Continue Reading |
A worm such as I?
It is becoming increasingly challenging communicating to the masses, primarily because I’m getting older, just about every year it seems! I often find myself using a phrase or reference that many in my audiences aren’t familiar with. Such is the case with this Question of the Month. A worm such as I? What’s that all about? ... Continue Reading |
Did God create viruses?
Wow! What a time we’re living in! I was thinking the other day (which I do from time-to-time) that when you hear about a tornado that swept through a few counties in Kansas or a hurricane that ravaged a large portion of the Caribbean, you certainly feel for all the people affected by those tragic events. ... Continue Reading |
Are we half bananas?
Statements and phrases often have more than one meaning. Such is the case with our “Question of the Month”. I could be asking if 50% of our physical makeup consists of bananas. Most likely, however, if someone heard this question, they would be thinking of whether or not we’re all “half crazy”. ... Continue Reading |
Climate change: settled-science or purposeful propaganda?
Talk about a “can of worms”! It’s hard to ignore “climate change” because we’re reminded of it almost on a daily basis. (Actually, I’d rather talk about a can of worms!) ... Continue Reading |
Have they discovered Noah's ark?
The discovery of hidden artifacts and lost treasures is always at least somewhat intriguing. It is also true that many news stories and claims regarding these supposed findings tend to be overly sensational and not necessarily in line with the actual facts. ... Continue Reading |
What on Earth are you doing?
Imagine for a moment, you are employed by some company as a salesperson and 95% of your responsibilities involve contacting customers. What do you think would happen if you only spent 75% of your time making sales calls? How about if it was only 50%? What about 20%? You probably wouldn’t be employed much longer and with good reason. No one would expect their boss to be happy with them in any of these situations. ... Continue Reading |
How can they not see it?
We’ve all been in conversations with people where we are astonished how they “just don’t get it”. It can be very frustrating and exhausting. This holds true for all sorts of situations, but we are going to restrict ourselves to the area of dealing with skeptics when it comes to discussing the Christian worldview. ... Continue Reading |
Genesis... too dangerous to study?
You’ve probably never thought about studying the Bible as being dangerous, but in some respects, it can be. As with most of my articles, I will be raising a larger issue and alerting you to something you may not have thought of before. ... Continue Reading |
Should you challenge your teacher or professor?
(Part 2) Last month (in Part 1 of this question), I began to address how to approach a teacher or professor who is sharing views that are directly contradictory to what we learn from God’s Word. However, I was not able to cover as much as I would have liked to, so in Part 2, we will continue the discussion. ... Continue Reading |
Should you challenge your teacher or professor?
(Part 1) Much of our educational experience consists of sitting in a classroom, listening to details about a particular subject, and regurgitating those specifics on an exam so we can eventually get a job at which point we feel “real life’ begins. ... Continue Reading |
A condensed version of the Bible?
When I was in school (kindergarten through college) I absolutely hated reading. Partially, I think it was because I was such a slow reader, and it would take me much longer than others to read just about anything. In fact, when I was in grade school, my mom would often read ... Continue Reading |
What exactly is the Big Bang?
This question is one of those that everyone knows the answer to, while at the same time not really knowing the answer. Some don’t know it because they’re a little iffy on it. Others don’t know it because they think they do – but they’re actually misinformed. ... Continue Reading |
Photograph of a Black Hole?
I remember as a kid, showing someone a blank piece of paper and telling them it was a picture of a polar bear in a snowstorm! Unfortunately for those who know me, my sense of humor hasn’t changed a whole lot! What does this have to do with black holes? I’m glad you asked. ... Continue Reading |
Should you make a deal with God?
You may be familiar with the account in the Bible where Abraham pleads with God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:16-33). Abraham, motivated by the fact that his nephew, Lot, was living there, wanted God to spare the people in these two cities that had become incredibly corrupt and vile. He reasoned that surely God would not “destroy the righteous with the wicked.” So, Abraham asked, ... Continue Reading |
Is the Earth actually flat?
Wait a minute ̶ isn’t this a topic that came up a long time ago, but was handily put to bed for good? You’d think so, however, it has resurfaced and is quite popular and debated in many circles. In some respect, it’s similar to the claim that we never actually landed on the moon. (i.e., It’s all just a conspiracy that the US government continues to successfully perpetuate.) Both Christians and non-Christians alike ... Continue Reading |
Why are we REALLY losing our kids?
If you’ve been following our ministry for any length of time, you are probably well aware that we deal quite a bit with the phenomena of youth from Christian homes walking away from their faith before they finish college. Statistics indicate that currently two-thirds or more are leaving their beliefs by the wayside, many never to return. ... Continue Reading |
Do mutations create new information?
We are told very confidently that evolution is a fact, like apples falling off of trees. It is also claimed that if you don't believe in evolution, you are insane. Now, as usual, it is very important at this point to define what I mean by "evolution". I am not simply referring to "change". We see change all the time, but ... Continue Reading |
Who do you fear more, God or man?
Alright, what kind of question is this? One that for most people has an answer that seems fairly obvious. In that sense, it’s more of a rhetorical question. However (and as usual), I am going to make a larger point. First of all, I am not talking about "fear" in the sense ... Continue Reading |
Are you jumping right into the middle of the story?
It’s not at all immediately obvious where I’m headed with this question, and its selection was admittedly driven by the fact that we are currently in the midst of the Christmas season. Any truly informed person would tell you that Christmas is ultimately about the birth of Jesus, even though society wants to .... Continue Reading |
Aliens out there?
Who doesn’t love aliens, right? Well, nice aliens, anyway. The idea of aliens has captured the thoughts and imaginations of millions of people over the years. Many movies have been made depicting all sorts of scary-looking creatures inhabiting distant planets, occasionally visiting us here on Earth. ... Continue Reading |
What if they don't believe the Bible?
We’ve all experienced situations where we begin a conversation with a skeptic, mentioning the Bible, only to have them abruptly interrupt, declaring, “I don’t believe the Bible!” It is at this point that many Christians back down and agree to “leave God’s Word out of it.” Big mistake! But how can you continue to reference the Bible when they made it very clear they don’t believe it? ... Continue Reading |
Do you know how to ask questions?
A huge part of my maturing in ministry, and as a person in general, was learning how to ask questions. That doesn’t seem like it should be too hard, but it requires one other thing as well… listening. All too often, I would be in a conversation with a skeptic, politely waiting for them to finish whatever they were saying so that I could then share all my supposed brilliance with them, assuming they would quickly see why they were wrong and change their mind. Guess what? It never really worked that way. ... Continue Reading |
Is that really your question?
You can imagine that I receive quite a few questions regarding the Christian worldview, given the fact that I travel full-time speaking on that subject. The questions come from not just audience members, but also those who happen to browse our website, see our resources or just stumble upon one of our videos on YouTube, etc. ... Continue Reading |
Is your religion LOVE?
The world might perceive me as being somewhat of a weird egg, but I guess it’s all due to the fact that I am, at the core of my being, a fairly analytical person and I think very logically… most of the time. ... Continue Reading |
What is the Queen of Problems for evolution?
There are many significant problems regarding the idea of “molecules-to-man” evolution, but it has been stated that the “Queen of Problems” for evolutionary biology is the origin of sexual reproduction. ... Continue Reading |
Should Christians judge others?
Quit judging me! The Bible says, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged!’” How many of us have heard that from someone else? (Or perhaps more transparently, how many of us have actually said that to others?) ... Continue Reading |
Dinosaurs never existed?
I'm guessing many of you are reading this, not because you have a particularly high level of fascination with dinosaurs or that you have so much extra time on your hands that you have nothing better to do, but because you simply want to find out if I am actually going to make the bold assertion that dinosaurs never existed. Well… keep reading! ... Continue Reading |
Human cloning?
Last month we discussed the question of human/chimp breeding. In sharing the fact that it is not genetically possible, I mentioned the idea of cloning and said I would consider discussing that in this month’s “Question of the Month”. That’s what prompted this particular topic. It’s a fascinating subject and one that truly isn’t just “black & white”. ... Continue Reading |
Breeding apes & humans?
This month’s question was driven by a recent news headline, albeit from a non-standard source that tends to promote sensationalistic stories. In addition, I had a pastor recently contact me inquiring about this news report. ... Continue Reading |
Do you check expiration dates?
It is my normal mode of operation to use these “Question of the Month” articles to explore various interesting topics in a fairly simple manner, while making an important “larger point”. This month will only be a slight, temporary diversion from the norm, taking somewhat of a break and providing some comical relief. ... Continue Reading |
True for you, but not for me?
We’ve all been in conversations where we are passionately debating an issue with someone, and suddenly, they make a claim that seems to stop us in our tracks. We don’t even know how to begin to respond. This month’s question is related to one of those claims that is often very challenging for Christians to properly address: What is true for you is not necessarily true for me. ... Continue Reading |
What exactly is a shaman?
Seems like nowadays you can’t go anywhere without seeing the word “shaman” plastered all over the place. It’s on billboards, sides of buildings, storefronts, lawn ornaments, and even the paper wrappers around our hamburgers. OK, maybe not… but you’ve at least heard the word before, right? ... Continue Reading |
Is “Doctrine” Divisive?
Have you ever been told that you were divisive or met someone who was markedly divisive? Many of us would answer in the affirmative to this question. ... Continue Reading |
Christians… Are We All Just Biased?
"You’re just biased… that’s why you believe what you do!” What comes to mind when you hear a claim like this? It probably isn’t anything positive. The initial response from many Christians is to become defensive and possibly more emotional. But what do you think about this? How should we respond? ... Continue Reading |
What is Elephant Hurling?
No, it’s not an Olympic event, although we’ve had some unusual ones in the past (tug-of-war, club swinging, live pigeon shooting, croquet and underwater swimming to name a few). ... Continue Reading |
Is the Bible always right (in a world that is constantly changing)?
I remember hearing a woman say she finally met “Mr. Right”. Unfortunately, she soon after found out his first name was “Always”! I’m not going that direction with this month’s question, so you can breathe a sigh of relief. ... Continue Reading |
How can I use “starting points” in witnessing?
Some people will actually approach a total stranger and ask them point blank if they have placed their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. There’s a pretty good chance that you’re not one of these people. ... Continue Reading |
Should you share your faith? (Part 4)
This month we conclude our 4-part mini-series which has been addressing several aspects of sharing our faith. As a reminder, here’s the series overview:
Should you share your faith? (Part 3)
Two months ago we began a 4-part mini-series which addresses several aspects of this question. As a reminder, here’s the series overview:
Should you share your faith? (Part 2)
Last month we began a 4-part mini-series which will address several aspects of this question. As a reminder, here’s the series overview:
Should you share your faith? (Part 1)
This month’s question will be the beginning of a 4-part mini-series. I was initially tempted to answer the question with just one word… “Yes”. It would humorously make the point that it should really go without saying we are to share our faith with others... Continue Reading |
What’s wrong with this picture?
Sometimes when you hear the question, “What’s wrong with this picture?”, you are supposed to direct your attention to an actual picture in order to analyze it closely to see what is subtly out-of-place. ... Continue Reading |
What exactly is a “starting point”?
One day a man pulled into a gas station to get directions to a certain restaurant. The station manager excitedly said, “Oh, if that’s where you want to go, you don’t want to start here!” (That’s my kind of humor!)... Continue Reading |
Should we just leave the Bible out of it?
Here’s a situation that might be fairly familiar to you regarding a discussion between a Christian and a skeptic. Part way into the conversation, a particular controversial social issue comes into focus (e.g. same-sex marriage, transgenderism, abortion, legalizing marijuana, etc.) ... Continue Reading |
Can’t we all just get along?
You’ve probably seen this iconic symbol on the back of many cars. It’s the famous “coexist” bumper sticker. When I first saw this, I thought it was certainly clever, but I was also disturbed by the message ... Continue Reading |
Do you know?
During the course of our lives, events occasionally occur that are so traumatic we can’t go more than a few minutes at a time without thinking about what just happened. The incidences are so significant, you can’t really think about anything else ... Continue Reading |
What is nothing?
Many scientists today believe the universe popped into existence out of nothing. The main reason is that since they do not want to believe in the biblical creation account, they are only left with two other choices: (a) the universe has always existed or (b) it came from something ... Continue Reading |
How do you know who to believe?
If it comes down to having to trust the word of a drug-addicted felon with a criminal record longer than your arm or that of a truly God-fearing, dedicated Christian, your choice might be fairly easy ... Continue Reading |
Should you take the Bible literally?
People often use words in ways that convey meanings other than what is intended. In many cases, you might clearly know what the person meant, even though they stated something incorrectly and sometimes even conveyed the exact opposite message... Continue Reading |