Can aliens help us with climate change?
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, something else comes along that makes you shake your head once more.
In the midst of the COVID pandemic, I made a prediction. I said that it was my belief that COVID would soon begin to lose its usefulness to those who “never want to let a good crisis go to waste.” And when it did, there would be a switch with those who are always in alarmism mode to the “existential threat” of “climate change,” and they would double-down on their efforts to push for even more extreme, economy-killing reform! As of the writing of this article, that’s exactly what we’re seeing. |
In the mid-1970s, there was a huge concern (at least from the alarmists) that we were headed into another ice age. That didn’t pan out for them, so they moved to “global warming.” Once again, that didn’t work well because of something we call evidence and reality. So, not willing to throw in the towel, they became extremely creative and moved to “climate change!” How brilliant! Seriously. Now, no matter what change we might see, or think we might see, they can claim, (a) the change is bad, (b) it will lead to catastrophe, and (c) we are to blame! Slight warming? That’s terrible… we’re all going to die! Slight cooling? That’s terrible… we’re all going to die! I guarantee you, if it ever appears the climate isn’t really changing, they will scream, “The climate has always been changing, and now it’s not. That’s terrible and mankind is to blame!”
There has also been a trend in which serious consideration is given to cutting funding for NASA because of the lack of beneficial research forth coming from that institution. Then, as a matter of sheer coincidence, scientists claim they discover very strong evidence of life on Mars. So, the funding continues and probably even increases. Then, after long periods of crickets chirping, reduced funding is discussed once again. Then, as another sheer coincidence, there’s talk of discovering a new planet in some other solar system that is similar to Earth and very likely contains life! How exciting! And how coincidental! So, funding resumes. There are two main reasons why many scientists believe life exists somewhere else in the universe:
Alright, time to put the two concepts together—alien life and climate change. (And you thought I’d never get here.)
Scientists, for quite some time, have been working on sending signals into outer space in hopes that alien life will receive them and be able to interpret them as well. Recently, they are feeling compelled to include a very important message in these transmissions. What’s the message? Basically, a plea for help with climate change! The article that alerted me was entitled, “New message to aliens will reflect on Earth in danger of climate crisis,” (, April 18, 2022). The article actually stated, "Any aliens receiving our message won't be surprised to hear about our climate crisis," because "They've had decades to observe our plight from afar." But to make this even sillier, they won’t expect an answer for 78 years because of how long it will take the message to be received by the aliens and for the response to reach us. How’s that for customer service? So somewhere out there, aboard a really cool-looking alien spaceship, Grink says to Kwiplog, “Well, Kwippy (he calls him Kwippy because they’ve been best friends for millions of years), there’s another distress call from just one more civilization struggling with climate change. When will they ever learn? Should we go down there and help them?” Then Kwiplog (sorry, “Kwippy”) says, “Yeah, Grink, I suppose we should. That’s what we do. We’re benevolent aliens, traveling the universe fighting social injustice and environmental negligence.” And who funds these seemingly silly escapades? For the most part, we do! Our tax dollars fund a lot of the research done in universities and elsewhere. The vast, vast majority of what is being done is premised on a humanistic worldview. And we are forced to fund it, whether we like it or not. Our tax dollars are often used to teach our own children there is no god, and they are nothing more than evolved animals. Of course, when they act like animals, the teachers get mad! Wait a minute! That’s what you taught them they are! And when they cheat on tests, doing whatever it takes to pass the class, they are told, “That’s wrong!” Wait another minute! That’s survival of the fittest, doing whatever it takes to survive. The teachers told them that’s how we got here, through survival of the fittest over millions and millions of years. But all of a sudden, that’s “wrong?” I missed the memo on that. When did it become “wrong,” and why did it change? And who decided? But I digress. (I like digressing. There’s always lots of cool stuff down those paths!) So, forget the second coming of Jesus as the solution to everything. Aliens are our saviors! We can learn so much from them even though we’ve never seen them, and there’s zero evidence for their existence. Just keep your eyes open to see how much climate change will be used as an excuse to accomplish whatever the current narrative dictates. I believe the global elites don’t really care much about climate change or the environment in general, but they see it as a useful tool to carry out whatever their desires are. And it almost inevitably results in loss of freedom for the rest of us… the great unwashed masses! As Christians, we should be good stewards of all God has given to us, including the environment, but we need not, and should not, go overboard with unreasonable and harmful actions. Much more than fighting “climate change,” we should be looking for opportunities to share Christ with everyone around us. This is needed now more than ever! If you have any questions about this or any other issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
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