Is COVID-19 settled science?
Though it’s not something new, the use of the phrase “settled science” is becoming more and more mainstream and widespread.
I have been dealing with the entire creation vs evolution controversy for 35 years now. All along the way, I have heard how the concept of evolution is “settled science!” There may have been a few questions and unknowns in Darwin’s day, but now it’s a proven fact. Here are just a few quotes (from highly intelligent scientists) reflecting this sentiment: |
“No educated person any longer questions the validity of the so-called theory of evolution, which we now know to be a simple fact.” [Ernst Myar (leading evolutionary biologist)]
“It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).” [Richard Dawkins (Oxford University)] “Every bit of information we have gathered about nature is consonant with the theory of evolution, and there is not one whit of evidence contradicting it. Neo-Darwinism, like the theory of chemical bonds, has graduated from theory to fact.” [Jerry A. Coyne (University of Chicago)] |
These types of statements are extremely dogmatic and very intimidating to many people. Evolution, in the skeptic’s mind, is “settled science.” There’s no need to discuss it anymore. The debate is over. Anyone questioning it is a “science-denier” and probably also believes the Earth is flat! There’s a lot of shaming and name-calling that goes on. Add all the “shouting-down,” and you’re in a real mess if you don’t go with the flow.
OK, that’s all about evolution. How does that relate to the Question of the Month? It’s just the continuation of a long line of issues. For those of you old enough to remember, you may recall the imminent threat of the coming “ice age!” It was a big deal back in the 1970s. Younger readers are probably thinking, “Really?” Yes, really. That didn’t go so well (meaning the evidence didn’t support the claim), so the elite had to change the message to “global warming.” Well, that didn’t work out the best either, so they switched to “climate change.” It was a very clever move. Now, if the climate changes at all, they will say, “See, we told you! The climate is changing, it’s bad, and humans are to blame!” The climate has always changed, back and forth, within a relatively narrow plus or minus window; that’s just normal. I guarantee, if the climate didn’t change, they would say, “Oh my word, the climate isn’t changing and that’s bad because it’s always changed, but now it’s not. Humans are to blame!” Climate change is now considered “settled science,” and we are making major political decisions worldwide because of this narrative. If you resist, you are one of the “great unwashed,” completely ignorant and the biggest part of the problem! The origin, effects, and required response related to COVID-19 are now also deemed settled science. Its origin, we’re told, was completely naturalistic, meaning completely unplanned. Its effects are extremely devastating. The response requires lock-downs, masks and shutting down most of our economy. I am not intending to get political, even though it’s very tempting. I am also not interested in promoting any particular conspiracy theory. I simply wish to make a larger point and ask a bigger question. How do you determine truth? Specifically when it comes to things not directly addressed in God’s Word. It used to be that both sides of an issue were presented and even hotly debated. It seems those days are long gone. Censorship has taken a toll on freedom of information. When only one narrative is deemed acceptable, it becomes virtually impossible to sort through the issue at hand. Individually, someone might discover powerful evidence supporting an opposing view, but how would they get that information to the general public? Well, they can post it on social media or the internet, right? I suppose they could initially, but we know now that it will not last long before the powers that be judge that it doesn’t fit the desired narrative and take it down. Censorship has been going on for a while, but not anywhere near the level we’re seeing today. Creationists have almost always been denied publication in the mainline science journals. Why? Because we are not considered “real” scientists. Why are we not considered “real” scientists? Because we don’t publish in the mainline science journals! I am not kidding about this blatant example of circular reasoning! On rare occasions, some have managed to get an article published. What happens in those cases? What is the response from the secular science community? Silence! Yep, just pretend it’s not even there. Don’t comment on it or try to refute it, just ignore it altogether. Given a little time, it will be as if it was never there to begin with. They will claim they are being fair-minded because they did publish it! More and more, we run into the magisterial elite and are expected to bow to their superiority. If anyone questions their proclamations, they are deemed science-deniers and a threat to democracy. (Maybe even a threat to civilization!) But can’t you just Google the information you need? Maybe that used to be the case, but now even Google filters what they feel you should discover and what they don’t want you to see. The same holds true for the major social media players as well. I would highly recommend viewing the documentary entitled, “The Social Dilemma.” It was not produced by Christians or conservatives. It’s mainly interviews with former executives and key employees from Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. In a nutshell, they share how their initial good intentions (while with those companies) got way out of hand and how the behavior of youth and adults is being consciously and sub-consciously manipulated. The documentary is certainly not Christian-based, but we can all learn a lot from what they share. My main point with this article is that because it has become increasingly difficult to hear opposing views, we need to focus more than ever on our understanding of Scripture and become much more diligent in our prayer life. God can give you proper direction, even when you don’t know the facts behind a particular issue. It’s certainly not wrong to make an attempt to gather good data; in fact, we really should. But ultimately, we need to rely on God rather than our limited knowledge. Why does that sound familiar? Oh yeah, Proverbs 3:5-6… “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” If you have any questions about this or any other issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
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