Resources / DVD Promos
Surprise, the Bible Explains That!Fairly often secular scientists discover things that are very confusing to them, but the Bible actually explains them very easily.
This presentation reviews eight examples of these relatively recent discoveries and strengthens the Christian's faith in the inspiration and reliability of God's Word. |
It’s like looking under the hood of a beautiful red sports car only to find that its engine is completely missing! Presenting some cutting-edge information about DNA, this presentation clearly demonstrates (in laymen’s terms) that molecules-to-man evolution is virtually impossible.
Creation to Christ:
Were Moses and Abraham next door neighbors? Was there really an ice age? Was there really a global flood? Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? How did the Jews become slaves in Egypt? What about all the violence in the Old Testament?
This fascinating presentation gives you the "big picture" of Old Testament history, fitting all the major pieces together in one continuous story, one timeline… from Creation to Christ, setting the stage for the New Testament and the Gospel message. This information is essential for every Christian. |
Dinosaurs & the BibleDinosaurs are both extremely fascinating and also the source of much confusion when it comes to comprehending their place in God's creation and the Bible. The media often paint a picture that is difficult to reconcile with our understanding of Scripture, so many have concluded that the Bible doesn’t mention dinosaurs or have even gone as far as to say they never really existed!
This talk takes a look at the true history of dinosaurs, expels the myths and shows that the Bible explains the actual scientific evidence much better than any secular evolutionary stories. This presentation works well for young children all the way through senior adults.
Faith is Not
Creation, Evolution & the
This presentation will greatly encourage your faith in the trustworthiness of Scripture and remove the confusion regarding the creation & evolution controversy.
Creation vs. Evolution:
Foundations in Creation